Współpraca z zagranicą Współpraca z zagranicą


Good location of Regional Directorate of State Forests (Polish abbreviation RDLP) and related with that fact possibilities of direct and often contacts with European Union foresters allow mutual use of experience concerning forestry.

We permanently cooperate with our western neighbour in matters regarding cross-border problems, such as forest protection especially against fire. Within developed authorial programme of EUROLAS, RDLP in Zielona Góra has been cooperating with German side since 1994.



Fot. Wszystkie nadleśnictwa RDLP w Zielonej Górze dysponują nowoczesnym sprzętem do gaszenia pożaru w zarodku.

Despite reorganisation of the structure of state forestry  in Germany, all the contacts have been sustained and cooperation between forest institutions  is getting better and better and develops all the time with benefits  for  both  sides.

Fot. Dominującą tematyką w kontaktach z leśnikami z Brandenburgii jest ochrona lasu przed pożarami.

On 26 June of 2013 in Eberswalde (Germany, Brandenburg) . there was signed Framework Agreement between State Forests and   Sate Forest Company  of Brandenburg [German: Landesbetrieb Forst Brandenburg] on intensification of cooperation in connection with subject field of forestry and forest farmin.


Cooperation concerns in particular:

  • aspects of forest protection, especially  referring to biotic pests  and forest fire protection,
  • issues concerning forest  cultivation, particularly pine stand economy  and  forest creation similar to natural one in process of  forest conservation and reconstruction,
  • problems of biological diversity in forests and protection of forest genic resources,
  • development of modern  planning and monitoring  systems, e.g. through  applying remote sensing,
  • managing of chosen game species, e.g. elks, wolfs.

Fot. 22 września 2011 r. kolejne spotkanie ws. korytarzy ekologicznych.

There are also planned collaborative conferences, consultations and  trips.

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